The Pocket Guide to World History

Bloody Week. 1871. Paris Commune toppled. 20,000 dead. [Read more ...]

Bloomer, Amelia. 1818-94. US temperance, women’s rights activist. Wore bloomers. [Read more ...]

Bloomsbury Group. 1907-30. Agnostic English intellectuals searching for good, true, beautiful. Forster, Woolf, Keynes, Russell, Huxley, [Read more ...]

Blow, John. 1649-1708. Westminster organist. First English opera, Venus and Adonis 1685. [Read more ...]

Blücher, Gebhardt von. 1742-1819. Prussian general at Waterloo. [Read more ...]

Blue Laws. US laws that control Sunday activities. 1781 originals on blue paper. [Read more ...]

Blue Stockings. 1750s French literary salon held by educated women. [Read more ...]

Bluebeard. 6C- legend of murderous husband. [Read more ...]

Blues and Greens. 5-9C. Byzantine political factions. Nika Revolt. [Read more ...]

Blum, Léon. 1872-1950. French Socialist Prime Minister 1936-7. 40 hr. week. [Read more ...]

Blurb, Miss. 1907. Photo appeared on novel jackets. [Read more ...]

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