The Pocket Guide to World History

Stuart, James. 1688-1766. “The Old Pretender”. Catholic Prince of Wales, claimant to British throne. Jacobites. [Read more ...]

Stubbs, George. 1724-1806. British animal painter. [Read more ...]

Sture, Sten. 1440-1503. Swedish patriot, regent 1470~1503. Opposed Kalmar Union. Defeated Christian I, deposed John in Sweden. [Read more ...]

Stürgkh, Karl von. 1859-1916. Austrian Prime Minister. Suspended parliament 1914. Assassinated. [Read more ...]

Sturm und Drang. 1760-80. German anti-enlightenment literary movement. Goethe. Klinger. [Read more ...]

Stuyvesant, Peter. c1610-72. Dutch governor of New Amsterdam. [Read more ...]

Stymphalian birds. Man-eating birds Hercules killed as 6th labour. [Read more ...]

Styria. Celtic. 15BC Rome. 5C Germanic. 6C Slav. 8C Frankish. 9C German. 1056 Steyr. 1180 Duchy. 1192 Babenberg. 1276 Hapsburg. 1918 Austria. 1919 S: Yugoslavia. [Read more ...]

Styx. River of Hades. Souls ferried by Charon. [Read more ...]

Suárez, Francisco. 1548-1617. Spanish Scholastic philosopher, Jesuit theologian. Wrote against divine right of kings. [Read more ...]

Succession States. 1918. Former Austria-Hungary territories: Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland, Austria, Hungary. [Read more ...]

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