The Pocket Guide to World History

St Petersburg. 1703 Founded by Peter I. 1914 =Petrograd. 1924 =Leningrad. 1991 =St Petersburg again. [Read more ...]

St Pierre and Miquelon. 1635 French occupy. 17, 18C French, English dispute. 1814 French. 1947 French Overseas Territory. [Read more ...]

St-Quentin, Battle. 1557. Philip II of Spain beseiges + seizes French town. [Read more ...]

St Sophia. Hagia Sophia. [Read more ...]

St Vincent and the Grenadines. Carib. 1498 Columbus discovers. 1763 English. 1773 Treaty with Caribs. 1795 Carib revolt fails, most deported. 1871 Windward Is. 1958-62 West Indies Federation. 1969 Autonomous. +Grenadines. 1979 Independent. [Read more ...]

Staël, Germaine de. 1766-1817. French woman of letters. Opposed Napoleon. Exiled. Corinne 1807. Germany 1810. [Read more ...]

Stafford, Henry. 1454-83. Aided, then opposed Richard III. Executed. [Read more ...]

Stahl, Georg. 1660-1734. German chemist. Animalism-soul controls bodily functions. Theory of Combustion 1702. [Read more ...]

Stählberg, Kaarlo. 1865-1952. First President of independent Finland 1919-25. Constitution. [Read more ...]

Stair, First earl. 1648-1707. Scottish under-secretary of state to William III. Approved Glencoe Massacre. [Read more ...]

Stakhanovism. 1935. Soviet movement to increase workers’ output. Rewards for exceeding quota. [Read more ...]

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