The Pocket Guide to World History

Samudra Gupta. -c380. Hindu Indian Emperor. c330-. Expanded empire. Poet, musician, soldier. [Read more ...]

Samuel. c11C BC. Israelite judge, prophet. Established Hebrew monarchy. [Read more ...]

Samuel, Herbert. 1870-1963. British philosopher, statesman. Practical Ethics. [Read more ...]

Samurai. 11C-1868. Japanese warriors. Basis of Shogun power. [Read more ...]

San Francisco. 1769 Portola discovers bay. 1776 Mission founded. 1835 Yuerba Buena cove settled. 1846 US. 1847 = San Francisco. 1906 Earthquake, fire kill 315. [Read more ...]

San Francisco, Conference. 1945. Signing of United Nations charter. [Read more ...]

San Francisco, Peace. 1951. Japanese 1854 borders restored. [Read more ...]

San Ildefonso, Treaty. 1796. France, Spain allied vs England. 1801 Secret exchange: Louisiana to France, Etruria to Spain. [Read more ...]

San Jacinto, Battle. 1836. Mexican defeat means Texas indepence. Mexican War. [Read more ...]

San Juan Boundary Dispute. 1846-72. Britain/US. San Juan islands to US. [Read more ...]

San Juan Hill, Battle. 1898. Part of Battle of Santiago. US defeat Spain in Cuba. Roosevelt. Rough Riders. [Read more ...]

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