The Pocket Guide to World History

Ruisdael, Jacob van. 1628-82. Dutch landscape painter. Jewish Cemetery c1660. Wheatfields c1670. [Read more ...]

Rump Parliament. 1648-60. After Pride’s Purge. [Read more ...]

Rundstedt, Gerd von. 1875-1953. Leading German WWII commander. [Read more ...]

Runeberg, Johan. 1804-77. Finnish epic poet. National anthem adapted from his poem Vårtland. [Read more ...]

Runes. 3-16/17C. Alphabet used by German peoples; origin unknown. [Read more ...]

Runge, Friedlieb. 1795-1867. German. Phenol from coal 1833. Carbolic acid 1834. Paper chromatography. [Read more ...]

Runnymede. Site of 1215 signing of Magna Carta. [Read more ...]

Rupert, Prince. 1619-82. Royalist commander in English Civil War. First President of Hudson’s Bay Co. [Read more ...]

Rurik. -879. Varangian prince, First ruler of Russia. Dynasty ruled to1598. [Read more ...]

Rush-Bagot, Convention. 1817. Demilitarized Canada-US border. [Read more ...]

Rushmore, Mt. 1927~41. 4 US Presidents carved into SD mountain by Borglum. [Read more ...]

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