The Pocket Guide to World History

Norton, Thomas. 1532-84. First English tragedy with Sackville, in blank-verse. Gorboduc 1561. [Read more ...]

Norway. 872 United by Harald Fairhair. 1130- Civil wars. 1397 Danish. 1814 Swedish. 1905 Independent. 1940-45 Germans occupy. [Read more ...]

Nostradamus. 1503-66. French astrologer. Prophesied Napoleon and Hitler. [Read more ...]

Notables, Assembly. French deputies of states appointed by king. [Read more ...]

Notre-Dame. 12-13C School of early polyphonic music. Léonin. [Read more ...]

Notre-Dame. Paris Cathedral. 1163-1345. Restored 1841. Prototype of all Gothic cathedrals. [Read more ...]

Nova Scotia. Micmac. 10C Norse discover? 1497 Cabot discovers. 1605 French settle = Acadia. 1614 English. 1667 French. 1689 English. 1697 French. 1710 English. 1848 First British colony with Responsible Government. 1867 Canada. [Read more ...]

Novalis. 1772-1801. German Romantic poet. [Read more ...]

Novara. 1513. Swiss defeat French. 1849. Austrians defeat Sardinians. [Read more ...]

Novatian. c200-58. Antipope. Founded strict sect -6C. Novation Schism. [Read more ...]

November Insurrection. 1830-1. Polish fail to overthrow Russian domination. [Read more ...]

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