The Pocket Guide to World History

Morris Pillars. Parisian advertising columns erected in 1869. [Read more ...]

Morse, Samuel. 1791-1872. US inventor of electric telegraph 1835, code 1838. [Read more ...]

Mortimer. English royal family. Edmund’s royal marriage 14C led to 15C Yorkist claims vs Henry IV. Edward IV. [Read more ...]

Mortimer, Roger. c1287-1330. Lover of Queen Isabella. Deposed Edward II and ruled 1327-. Executed by Edward III. [Read more ...]

Mortimer’s Cross, Battle. 1461. Yorks defeat Lancastrians. Edward IV declares himself king. [Read more ...]

Mortmain. Land ownership by a corporation unable to die or provide services. [Read more ...]

Morton, William. 1819-68. US dentist. Advocated ether anaesthesia 1846. [Read more ...]

Mosadeq, Mohammed. 1880-1967. Iran Prime Minister. Nationalized oil 1951. Briefly forced out Shah 1953. Pyjama speeches. [Read more ...]

Mosaic Law. Jewish law ascribed to Moses. Torah. [Read more ...]

Moscow Conferences. 1942,3,4,5. Allied meetings during WWII. [Read more ...]

Moscow Declaration. 1943 Allies declare need for International peacekeeping organization...UN. 1956 Officially ends WWII between USSR and Japan. [Read more ...]

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