The Pocket Guide to World History

Armenian Massacres. 1894-1918. 1.8M Armenians killed in Turkey. [Read more ...]

Arminianism. 17C-. Christian movement. Free-will is compatible with God’s sovereignty. [Read more ...]

Arminius. 18BC-19 AD. German chief who defeated Varus 9 AD. [Read more ...]

Armistice. Nov 11, 1918. Ended fighting in WWI. [Read more ...]

Arms, Assize of. 1181. Forced Brit. free men to acquire arms. [Read more ...]

Armstrong, Louis. 1900-71. US New Orleans Jazz trumpeter and band leader. [Read more ...]

Armstrong, Neil. 1930-. US astronaut, first man on the moon, 22:56 EDT, July 20,1969. [Read more ...]

Arne, Thomas. 1710-78. English composer: Rule Britannia 1740. Operas. [Read more ...]

Arnhem, Battle. 1944. Unsuccessful Allied attempt to cross Rhine. [Read more ...]

Arnim, Bettina von. 1785-1859. German Romantic writer. Goethe’s Correspondence with a Child 1835. [Read more ...]

Arnold, Benedict. 1741-1801. American Revolution general. Betrayed US. [Read more ...]

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