The Pocket Guide to World History

Lenoir, Alexandre. 1761-1839. Archeologist. Founder of the Museum of French Monuments. [Read more ...]

Le Nôtre, André. 1613-1700. French landscapist. Tuileries 1637. Fontainebleau. Versailles 1663. [Read more ...]

Leo Africanus. 1485-1554. Arab/Christian traveler. Descriptions of Africa 1550. [Read more ...]

Leo I, St. 400-461. Pope 440-. Opposed Nestorianism, Manichaeism and other heresies. [Read more ...]

Leo III, St. -816. Pope 795-. Crowned Charlemagne recreating Western Roman Empire. [Read more ...]

Leo IX, St. 1002-54. Pope 1049-. Excommunicated Cerularius, causing East-West Schism. [Read more ...]

Leo VI. 866-912. Byzantine Emperor. Compiled Basilica legal code. [Read more ...]

Leo X. 1475-1521. Pope 1513-. Excommunicated Luther. Depleted treasury. [Read more ...]

Leo XIII. 1810-1903. Pope 1878-. Rerum Novarum 1891: right to private property. Ended opposition to scientific progress. Longest papal rule. [Read more ...]

León. 910-1230. Spanish kingdom. Ruled Galicia, Asturias; Portugal to 1143. 1230 +Castile. [Read more ...]

Leonardo da Vinci. 1452-1519. Florentine painter, writer, sculptor, scientist. Prototypical Renaissance Man. Sfumato. Laws of Flight. Adoration of Magi 1479. Last Supper 1495. Mona Lisa 1503. Parachute 1480. [Read more ...]

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