The Pocket Guide to World History

Haushofer, Karl. 1869-1946. German adviser to Hitler. [Read more ...]

Haussman. Baron. 1809-91. Parisian town plan, 1852. Opera House. Bois de Boulogne. [Read more ...]

Hautsch. 1657. First fire engine. [Read more ...]

Hawaii. c400 Polynesians. 1778 Cook discovers = Sandwich Is. 1795 UK. 1894 Republic. 1898 US. 1959 State. [Read more ...]

Hawkins, John. 1532-95. First English slave trader, 1562. [Read more ...]

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 1804-64. US author: Scarlet Letter 1850. House of Seven Gables 1851. [Read more ...]

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty. 1903. Established Panama Canal Zone. [Read more ...]

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. 1901. Br-US re Panama Canal. [Read more ...]

Hayashi, Senjuro. 1876-1943. Japanese commander, Prime Minister 1937. Ordered invasion of Manchuria. WWII. [Read more ...]

Haydn, Joseph. 1732-1809. Austrian Classical composer. Father of modern symphony and string quartet. Solomon Symphony 1791-5. English Symphony 1794. Seasons 1801. [Read more ...]

Haymarket Riot. 1886. Anarchist bomb kills 7 police at Chicago labour demonstration. [Read more ...]

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