The Pocket Guide to World History

Gustav I. Vasa. 1496-1560. Elected Swedish king 1523-. Defeated Danes, dissolved Kalmar Union. [Read more ...]

Gustav IV. Adolf. 1778-1837. Swedish king 1792-1809. Lost Finland. Overthrown. [Read more ...]

Gutenberg, Johannes. 1400-68. German printer, inventor of movable type. [Read more ...]

Guthrie, Woody. 1912-67. Populist US singer. This Land is Your Land. [Read more ...]

Guyana. Arawak, Carib, Warrau. 1498 Columbus discovers. 16C Dutch settle. 1814 Britain. 1831 Colony =British Guiana. 1966 Independent =Guyana. 1970 Republic. [Read more ...]

Gwyn, Nell. 1650-87. English actress. Popular mistress of Charles II 1669-. [Read more ...]

Gypsies. 16C-. Nomadic peoples with Romany language. Probable Indian origin. [Read more ...]

Haakon I. c914-61. Norwegian king c935-. Introduced Christianity to Norway. [Read more ...]

Haakon IV. 1204-63. Norwegian king 1217-. Added Greenland and Iceland 1262. Patron of Arts. [Read more ...]

Haakon VII. 1872-1957. King of Norway after separation from Sweden, 1905. In exile 1940-45. [Read more ...]

Habeas Corpus Act. 1679. England. Right of prisoner to appear in court before being imprisoned. [Read more ...]

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