The Pocket Guide to World History

Fawcett, Millicent. 1847-1929. English non-militant feminist. Suffrage. [Read more ...]

Fawkes, Guy. 1570-1606. Gunpowder Plot perpetrator. [Read more ...]

FBI. Federal Bureau of Investigation. 1908-. US indep. federal police force. Hoover. [Read more ...]

February Manifesto. 1899-1905. Override of Finnish Constitution. Rule by Czar’s Edict. Russification 1890-1905. [Read more ...]

February Revolution. 1848. Established French Second Republic. [Read more ...]

February Revolution. 1917. Early phase of Russian Revolution. Czar overthrown. Provisional Gov’t. [Read more ...]

Federalism. Autonomous states united under central government. [Read more ...]

Federalist Party. 1787-1825. US first party founded by A. Hamilton for strong central government. In power 1791-1801. [Read more ...]

Félibrige. 1854. Mistral’s Provençale revival movement. [Read more ...]

Felix, St. -818. Spanish Adoptionist. [Read more ...]

Felletin. French tapestry works 15C-. Coarser weave in rustic motifs. Aubusson. [Read more ...]

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