The Pocket Guide to World History

Doubleday, Abner. 1819-93. US formerly thought to be baseball inventor. Cartwright. [Read more ...]

Douglas. 1200-. Prominent Scottish family. Accused of treason, William Douglas murdered by James II 1452. [Read more ...]

Douglas, Clifford. 1879-1952. English. Conceived Social Credit theory. Economic Democracy 1920. [Read more ...]

Douglas, Gawin. c1474-1522. Scottish poet. First English translation of Aeneid. [Read more ...]

Douglas, Stephen. 1813-61. US politician. Compromise of 1850. Popular Sovereignty. Lost presidential campaign to Lincoln. [Read more ...]

Douglass, Frederick. 1817-95. US ex-slave abolitionist leader. [Read more ...]

Doulton, John. 1563-1626. English song composer. [Read more ...]

Doumer, Paul. 1857-1932. French President 1931-. Assassinated. [Read more ...]

Doumergue, Gaston. 1863-1937. French Prime Minister 1910-11, President 1924-31. Instability. [Read more ...]

Dover, Treaty. 1670. Secret agreement. Louis XIV and Charles II. led to Third Dutch War. Ends Triple Alliance. [Read more ...]

Dow, Herbert. 1866-1930. US chemist. Founded Dow Chemical Co. [Read more ...]

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