The Pocket Guide to World History

Tito, Josip Broz. 1892-1980. Yugoslav WWII Partisan leader. Led government 1945-. President 1953-, for life 1974-. Defied Stalin 1948. [Read more ...]

Titus. 39-81. Roman Emperor. Destroyed Jerusalem and Temple. Built Colosseum, 80. [Read more ...]

Tiw. One-handed Germanic god of war. [Read more ...]

Tobacco. 1492 Cuba. 1493 Columbus brings to Europe. 1565 Hawkins brings to England. 1586 Raleigh brings to England. [Read more ...]

Tocqueville, Alexis de. 1805-59. French liberal historian. Democracy in America 1835. Dangers of Democracy. [Read more ...]

Togliatti, Palmiro. 1893-1964. Co-founder, Italian Communist Party. Leader 1926-. [Read more ...]

Togo. 17-19C Slave trade. 1884 German protectorate = Togoland. 1920 British(W)/ French(E) League of Nations mandate. 1957 British Togo +Gold Coast = Independent Ghana. 1960 French Togo independent = Togo. [Read more ...]

Tojo Hideki. 1884-1948. Japanese general, Prime Minister 1941-4. Pearl Harbor. Hung for war crimes. [Read more ...]

Tokugawa. 1603-1868. Japanese Shogun dynasty. =Edo Period. Isolationist. Genroku arts of “floating world”. [Read more ...]

Tokugawa, Keiki. 1837-1913. Last Japanese Shogun 1867-8. Peaceful Meiji Restoration of Emperor. [Read more ...]

Tokugawa Mitsukuni. 1628-1700. Feudal leader, key to History of Great Japan 1658-1906. [Read more ...]

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