The Pocket Guide to World History

Malaysia. Malaya. 1963 +Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak. 1965 -Singapore. [Read more ...]

Malcolm III. c1031-1093. Scottish king 1058-. Killed and succeeded Macbeth. [Read more ...]

Malcolm X. 1925-65. US militant Black Muslim leader. Assassinated. [Read more ...]

Maldives. Dravidians, Sinhalese settle. 12C Islam. 1153 Sultanate. 1507 Portugal garrison. 17C Dutch protectorate. 1796 British protectorate. 1965 Independent. 1968 Republic. [Read more ...]

Malenkov, Georgi. 1902-88. Stalinist Soviet premier 1953-5. Denounced 1957. [Read more ...]

Malherbe, François de. 1555-1628. French poet. Foreshadowed classicism. Odes 1601. [Read more ...]

Mali. Ancient Ghana. c1200 Mali Empire includes Senegal, Niger. 1460 Songhai Empire. c1600 Divided. c1880 =French Sudan. 1959 +Senegal +Sudanese Republic =Mali Federation. 1960 Independent -Senegal =Mali Republic. [Read more ...]

Malignar Agreements. 1936-7. Socialist reforms in France. [Read more ...]

Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1884-1942. Polish. Founded social anthropology. [Read more ...]

Mallarmé, Stéphane. 1842-98. French poet, initiated Symbolism. Après-Midi d’un faune 1865. [Read more ...]

Mallen, Mary. =Typhoid Mary. [Read more ...]

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