The Pocket Guide to World History

Liberalism, Theological. 17C. Religious inquiry based on reason vs authority. [Read more ...]

Liberia. 1822. Colony of freed US slaves. 1847 Republic. 1930 Slavery abolished. [Read more ...]

Liberty, Statue of. 1886. Bartholdi sculpture. Gift from France. [Read more ...]

Liberty Affair. 1768. British sieze Hancock’s sloop ’Liberty’ smuggling wine to Boston. [Read more ...]

Liberty Bell. 1753. Independence Hall, Philadelphia. Cracked 1835. [Read more ...]

Liberty Party. 1839-48. US anti-slavery party. Merged into Free-Soil party. [Read more ...]

Liberty Poles. 1765-6. Symbolic anti-British poles in US. [Read more ...]

Libraries. 1700BC Chaldean. 540BC Athens. 284BC Alexandria. 167 Rome. 355 Constantinople. 1446 Vatican. 1520 Paris. 1757 British Museum. 1598 Oxford Bodleian. 1653 Manchester, First free public. 1800 US Library of Congress. [Read more ...]

Libya. 7C BC Phoenician, Carthage, Greek colonies. 46BC Rome. 476 Vandal(W). 534 Byzantine 647 Arab. 1551 Ottoman. 1911 Italian colony. 1943 British/French 1950 Independent Kingdom. 1969 Qaddafi coup. Terrorism. Lockerbie. [Read more ...]

Lichtenstein, Roy. 1923-97. New York Pop ‘comic strip’ artist. Whaam! 1963. [Read more ...]

Lidice. 1942. Czech village annihilated by Nazis in retaliation for Heydrich assassination. [Read more ...]

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