The Pocket Guide to World History

Labienus, Quintus. -39BC. Roman general. Defeated Parisii, 52BC. [Read more ...]

Labour Party. 1888 Scotland. 1890 NZ. 1891 Australia. 1900 Britain. 1930 Israel. Founded by unions, Fabians for democratic change towards socialism. First UK MPs elected 1906. First UK Labour government 1924. [Read more ...]

Labourers, Statute. 1351. Parliament’s freezing of rising wages after plague leads to Peasants Revolt. [Read more ...]

Labrouste, Henri. 1801-75. French architect. Early use of iron. Bibliothèque Nationale 1862. [Read more ...]

LaBruyère, Jean de. 1645-96. French satiric moralist writer. Caractères 1688. [Read more ...]

Lachesis. Fate which determined length of the thread of life. [Read more ...]

LaCierva y Codorniu, Juan de. 1895-1936. Spanish. Invented autogiro 1923. First vertical take-off 1934. [Read more ...]

Laconia. 1400BC Mycenae. 1100 Dorian. 195BC Achaean L. 146BC Rome. 267 Visigoth. 587 Slavs. 805 Byzantine. 1829 Greece. [Read more ...]

Ladd, William. 1778-1841. US pacifist writer. Founder of US Peace Society 1828. [Read more ...]

Ladislaus I. 1040-95. King of Hungary 1077-. National hero, defeated Poles, Russians, Tatars. Conquered Croats. [Read more ...]

Ladislaus II. 1350-1434. King of Poland, 1386-. Victories made Poland a power. Merged with Lithuania. Tannenberg. [Read more ...]

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