The Pocket Guide to World History

Big Bang. 15 billion BCE. Scientifically accepted origin of Universe. [Read more ...]

Big Stick Policy. Roosevelt’s foreign policy. Power as a deterrent. Mahan. [Read more ...]

Billettes. Brothers of Charity, 14C religious order succeeded by Carmelites. [Read more ...]

Billy the Kid. 1859-81. US frontier outlaw. [Read more ...]

Binet, Alfred. 1857-1911. French. Invented intelligence test 1905. Projective testing 1903. [Read more ...]

Biological Weapons Convention. 1972. Britain, US, USSR agreement to ban germ warfare. [Read more ...]

Birch, John. -1945. US missionary killed in China. Cold War hero of John Birch Society. [Read more ...]

Birch, Samuel. 1869-1955. English Cornish landscape painter. [Read more ...]

Birdseye, Clarence. 1886-1956. US inventor of frozen foods. Founded General Foods, 1924. 300+ patents. [Read more ...]

Biron, Charles. 1562-1602. French marshal, beheaded for treason. [Read more ...]

Birth Control Clinic. 1881 Amsterdam. 1921 London. 1916-23 US. [Read more ...]

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