The Pocket Guide to World History

Westinghouse, George. 1846-1914. US inventor/manufacturer. AC electricity distribution 1885. [Read more ...]

Westmeath Act. 1871. Declared Ribbonism illegal. Whiteboys. [Read more ...]

Westminster Abbey. 7C Benedictine monastery. 1050-65 New Building, additions by Edward the Confessor; 1245 by Henry III. West towers 1745. Used for all British coronations since William I. [Read more ...]

Westminster Assembly. 1643-52. Convened by Long Parliament to inaugurate Presbyterianism in England and Wales. Westminster Confession of Faith. [Read more ...]

Westminster Conference. 1866-7. Planned independence of Canada under British North America Act. [Read more ...]

Westminster Palace. 1860. British House of Parliament. [Read more ...]

Westminster, Provisions of. 1259. Reenacted as Marlborough Statute 1267. Forced on Henry III by barons, limiting power. Barons War. [Read more ...]

Westminster, Statute of. 1275,85,90. First reference to Great Council of England as Parliament. Reformed civil and criminal law. Legal protection for poor. 1931. British affirmation of autonomous dominion of British Empire countries. Established British Commonwealth. [Read more ...]

Westminster, Treaties. 1654 Ends Dutch War. Dutch pay England. 1662 England, Brandenberg most-favoured nation status. 1674 Dutch American colonies to Britain. 1756 Prussia, British neutrality. [Read more ...]

Westminster Confession of Faith. 1647. Doctrine of Presbyterian religion of Westminster Assembly called by Long Parliament. [Read more ...]

Westphalia. 700 Saxons settle. 1180 Duchy. 1803 Hohenzollern. 1807 Kingdom. 1815 Prussia. [Read more ...]

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