The Pocket Guide to World History

Turner, Joseph. 1775-1851. English Romantic landscape painter. Original use of color. Reflections on water. Mature style more abstract. Snowstorm 1812. Rain, Speed, Smoke 1844. [Read more ...]

Turner, Nat. 1800-31. US slave. Led revolt 1831, killing 51 whites. Repressive laws vs slaves enacted. [Read more ...]

Turnverein. 1811. German Nationalist gymnastic movement vs Napoleon. Jahn. [Read more ...]

Turpin, Dick. 1706-39. Romanticized English highwayman. Mythical York-London ride. [Read more ...]

Tuscany. 1000BC Etruscans. 3C Rome = Tuscia. 6C Lombardy. 774 Franks. 12C Independent. 1434 Medici. 1737 Hapsburg-Lorraine. 1800 French Kingdom of Etruria. 1814 Hapsburg. 1849 Republic. 1861 Italy. [Read more ...]

Tutankhamen. Egyptian pharaoh 1361-52BC. Restored traditions after Amarna Revolution. Tomb opened 1922. [Read more ...]

Tutu, Desmond. 1931-. South African Anglican Archbishop. Hope and Suffering 1982. . [Read more ...]

Tuvalu. 1764 British discover. 1892 British protectorate. 1915 «Gilbert and Ellice Island colony. 1978 Independent = Tuvalu. [Read more ...]

TVA. Tennessee Valley Authority. New Deal hydroelectric project. [Read more ...]

Twain, Mark. (Samuel Clemens) 1835-1910. US humorist: Innocents Abroad 1869. Tom Sawyer 1876. Huckleberry Finn 1885. [Read more ...]

Tweed, William. 1823-78. NY city “boss” controlled patronage through Tammany Society. Exposed by NY Times. [Read more ...]

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