The Pocket Guide to World History

Technocracy. 1931- US movement advocating reorganization of society on technological principles. [Read more ...]

Tecumseh. 1768-1813. American Shawnee Indian chief. Fought US in War of 1812. [Read more ...]

Tegh Bahadur. 1621-75. 2nd Sikh martyr. [Read more ...]

Tehran Conference. 1943. Allies coordinate strategy. [Read more ...]

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. 1881-1955. French Jesuit philosopher. Man is evolving toward final spiritual unity. [Read more ...]

Tejada Law. 1856. Mexico confiscates church property, French buy land. [Read more ...]

Telegraph. 1794 France Semaphore. 1795 England Shutter. 1835 Morse. 1851 London-Paris. 1901 Transatlantic. [Read more ...]

Telemachus. Greek son of Odysseus and Penelope. Mentor. [Read more ...]

Telemann, Georg. 1681-1767. German Baroque composer of vitality, wit and color. [Read more ...]

Teleological Argument. God exists as master planner, because universe exhibits purpose. Duty derives from what is good as end to be achieved. Aristotle. Kant. [Read more ...]

Telephone, Wireless. 1926 London-New York. [Read more ...]

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