The Pocket Guide to World History

Smog Disasters. London. 1952: 4000 dead. 1962: 750 dead. [Read more ...]

Smolensk. Victories of Napoleon 1812, Germans 1941. [Read more ...]

Smollett, Tobias. 1721-71. Scottish humorous novelist. Peregrine Pickle 1751. [Read more ...]

Smoot-Hawley Act. 1930-37. US tarrifs begin trade war, deepening Depression. [Read more ...]

Smuts, Jan. 1870-1950. Boer general, Prime Minister of South Africa 1919~48. [Read more ...]

Smyrna. =Izmir. 3000BC Greek city in Turkey. 600BC Lydian. 4C Greek 1425 Ottoman. 1920-2. Greeks occupy, massacre. [Read more ...]

Smyth, John. -1612. Founded Baptist Church. [Read more ...]

Snellman, Johan. 1806-81. Finnish nationalist. Established national language. [Read more ...]

Snow, C.D. 1905-80. English writer. Strangers and Brothers series. [Read more ...]

Soane, John. 1753-1837. English Neoclassical architect, collector. Bank of England 1792-1833. [Read more ...]

Sobieski. Polish king. Saved Vienna 1683. [Read more ...]

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