The Pocket Guide to World History

Simnel, Lambert. c1475-1535 Pretender to English throne 1487. [Read more ...]

Simon Magus. Tried to buy spiritual powers from Apostles. Simony. [Read more ...]

Simon of Cyrene. Carried Jesus’ cross. [Read more ...]

Simon Peter. Peter, St. [Read more ...]

Simony. Trading in church offices, sacred objects. Banned by Council of Chalcedon 451, and in England since Edward VI. [Read more ...]

Simpson, James. 1811-70. British obstetrician. Chloroform, 1847. [Read more ...]

Simpson, Wallis. 1896-1986. American divorcée for whom Edward VIII abdicated. [Read more ...]

Sims, William. 1858-1936. US WWI naval commander. [Read more ...]

Sin. Violation of divine law. [Read more ...]

Sinai Campaign. 1956. Israeli preemptory attack takes Sinai. UN peacekeeping force in Gaza. [Read more ...]

Sinan. 1489-1588. Ottoman architect. Mosque of Suleiman, Istanbul 1550-7. [Read more ...]

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