The Pocket Guide to World History

Siberia. 13C Mongol(S)...Golden Horde(W)/ Yüan(E). 1483 Russia explores. 1581 Khanate overthrown. 1689 Russo-Chinese border settled. 1891-1905 Trans-Siberian Railway. [Read more ...]

Sibyl. Mythical Greek prophetess. Interceded with gods for humans. [Read more ...]

Sicilian Vespers. 1282. Aragon-inspired massacre of French in Sicily. Aragon takes control. [Read more ...]

Sicily. c1100BC Sicans. Sicels. Mycenaean. 7C BC Phoenicia(W)/ Gr(E). 241BC Rome. 5C Ostrogoth. 6C Byzantine. 827 Saracen. 1072 Norman. 1130 +Naples. 1197 Hohenstaufen. 1266-82 France. 1302 Aragon. 1443 +Naples=Two Sicilies. 1860 Italy. [Read more ...]

Sickert, Walter. 1860-1942. German/English Impressionist painter. [Read more ...]

Sicyon. 4C BC Ancient Greek city known for artists. [Read more ...]

Siddhartha Guatama. Buddha. [Read more ...]

Sidmouth, First viscount. 1757-1844. British Prime Minister 1801-4. Treaty of Amiens. Peterloo Massacre. [Read more ...]

Sidney, Philip. 1554-86. English poet. Arcadia 1580. Defence of Poesie 1585. [Read more ...]

Sidoine Apollinaire. 430-472. Roman poet, Bishop of Clermont-Ferrand. [Read more ...]

Siegfried. Dragon slayer of German legend. [Read more ...]

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