The Pocket Guide to World History

Shogun. Japanese military leaders. 794 Otomaro. 1192-1867 Ruled Japan. [Read more ...]

Sholes, Christopher. 1819-90. US co-inventor of typewriter 1868. [Read more ...]

Sholokhov, Mikhail. 1905-84. Russian writer. Don series. [Read more ...]

Short Parliament. 1640. England. Refused king taxes because of grievances. [Read more ...]

Shostakovich, Dmitri. 1906-75. Russian. Composed complex profound intense personal works. Rebuked by Stalin. Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk 1934. [Read more ...]

Shot Heard Around the World. 1775. Battle of Lexington and Concord beginning American Revolution. [Read more ...]

Shou Hsing. Chinese god of longevity. [Read more ...]

Shrewsbury, Duke of. 1660-1718. English. Influenced Glorious Revolution, Hanoverian succession. [Read more ...]

Shu Han. 221-264. Western China dynasty. Conquered by Wei. [Read more ...]

Siam. Thailand. [Read more ...]

Sibelius, Jan. 1865-1957. Finnish composer. Finlandia. Symphonies and tone poems evoke feeling of North. Kulervo Symphony 1892. [Read more ...]

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