The Pocket Guide to World History

Sceptics. We can know nothing more than the fleeting images of consciousness. Most is unknowable. Pyrrho. [Read more ...]

Schacht, Hjalmar. 1877-1970. German financier. Halted ruinous inflation 1923. President of Reichsbank 1929-39. Minister of Economy 1934-7. [Read more ...]

Scharnhorst, Gerhard von. 1755-1813. Prussian general, reorganized army. General staff system. [Read more ...]

Scheele, Carl. 1742-86. Sweden. Discovered oxygen 1771/2, independent of Priestley. Chlorine gas 1774. [Read more ...]

Scheherazade. Entertained the Sultan of the Indies for 1001 nghts with stories, delaying her execution. [Read more ...]

Scheidemann, Philipp. 1865-1939. First chancellor of Weimar Republic 1918. [Read more ...]

Scheidt, Samuel. 1587-1654. German Reformation organ composer. [Read more ...]

Schein, Johann. 1586-1630. Reformation composer. Introduced Italian Baroque to German music. [Read more ...]

Schelling, Friedrich. 1775-1854. German Idealist philosopher. -’artist is superior to thinker’. [Read more ...]

Schema de Parvo. 1870. Roman Catholic catechism. [Read more ...]

Schiaparelli, Giovanni. 1835-1910. Italian ’discoverer’ of non-existent canals on Mars. [Read more ...]

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