The Pocket Guide to World History

Rogers, Will. 1879-1935. Home-spun US satirist. [Read more ...]

Roget, Peter. 1779-1869. English physician. Thesaurus 1852. [Read more ...]

Rohan, Prince de. 1734-1803. French cardinal duped in Diamond Necklace Affair. [Read more ...]

Röhm, Ernst. 1887-1934. German Nazi rival of Hitler. Organized SA. Executed. [Read more ...]

Roland. -778. Count of Brittany. Officer of Charlemagne, immortalized in song by Turold, c1100. [Read more ...]

Roland de la Platière, Jean. 1734-93. Moderate French revolutionary leader. Fled Terror. [Read more ...]

Roland de la Platière, Jeanne. 1754-93. French wife of Jean. Held revolutionary salons. Executed. [Read more ...]

Rolfe, John. 1585-1622. English colonist in Virginia. Married Pocahontas. [Read more ...]

Rolland, Romain. 1866-1944. French writer Jean Christophe 1904-46. [Read more ...]

Rollo. 860-932. Norse pirate. Colonized Normandy 911. 885 Rolled boats around Paris when seige failed. [Read more ...]

Rölvaag, Ole. 1876-1931. Norwegian/US. Wrote of immigrants in Minnesota. Giants in the Earth 1927. [Read more ...]

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