The Pocket Guide to World History

Ravel, Maurice. 1875-1937. French Impressionist composer. Adopted new forms such as jazz and atonality. Boléro 1928. [Read more ...]

Ravenna. 402 Western Roman Empire capital. 476 Ostrogothic capital of Italy. 553 Byzantine. 751 Lombard. 754 Franks. 1278 Papal States. 1441 Venice. 1509 Papal States. 1859 Sardinia. 1861 Italy. [Read more ...]

Ray, Man. 1890-1976. US Dada painter/photographer. [Read more ...]

Ray, Rammohan. 1772-1833. Indian Hindu scholar, translator. Helped abolish suttee. [Read more ...]

Rayburn, Sam. 1882-1961. US Democratic Speaker of House. 48 yrs. in House of Representatives. [Read more ...]

Rayleigh, Lord. 1842-1919. English physicist, wave theorist. [Read more ...]

Raymond IV. c1041-1105. Count of Toulouse. Led First Crusade. [Read more ...]

Raymond VI. 1156-1222. Fought Albigenses in Crusade. [Read more ...]

RCMP. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 1873 Formed as NW Mounted Rifles. 1920 =RCMP. [Read more ...]

Read, Herbert. 1893-1968. English critic, poet: Art and Society 1936. [Read more ...]

Reagan, Ronald. 1911-. US actor, Republican President 1981-9. Tax reform. Strong economy. Aid to Nicaragua Contras. Irangate scandal. Fall of Soviet Empire. [Read more ...]

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