The Pocket Guide to World History

Rainier III. 1923-. Prince of Monaco, 1949-. Grimaldi. [Read more ...]

Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti. 1879-1972. Indian Governor General 1948-50. Founded Swatantra Party 1959. [Read more ...]

Rajatarangini. 1148. Historical chronicle of Kashmir India. [Read more ...]

Rajk, Laszlo. 1909-49. Hungarian communist statesman. Hung for treason. Rehabilitated 1956. [Read more ...]

Rajputs. 9C-. NW Indian Hindu warrior caste. [Read more ...]

Rákóczi I, György. 1593-1648. Transylvanian prince. Won rights from Hapsburgs for Hungarians. [Read more ...]

RákóczI II, Ferenc. 1676-1735. Transylvanian prince. Led Hungarian Uprising 1703. [Read more ...]

Rákosi, Mátyás. 1892-1971. Stalinist Hungarian leader 1945-56. Fled before 1956 uprising. [Read more ...]

Rakovsky, Khristian. 1873-?. Russian Communist leader. Opposed Stalin. Imprisoned 1938. [Read more ...]

Raleigh, Walter. 1554-1618. English colonist in Virginia. Introduced tobacco, potato to Europe. Beheaded. [Read more ...]

Rama. Ideal Hindu god, king. Virtue personified. [Read more ...]

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