The Pocket Guide to World History

Augustus II. 1670-1733. King of Poland, 1697-. Provoked Northern War. [Read more ...]

Augustus III. 1696-1763. King of Poland 1734- after War of Polish Succession. [Read more ...]

Aulic Council. 1498-1806. Court of Holy Roman Empire. Derived from Maximilian’s personal council. [Read more ...]

Aumale, Henri, duc d’Orleans. 1822-97. French general, Orleanist leader. [Read more ...]

Aurelian. 214-75. Roman Emperor 270-. Restored rule of Europe. Began wall around Rome. [Read more ...]

Aurignacian. Late Paleolithic art period. [Read more ...]

Auriol, Vincent. 1884-1966. French President, 1947-54. [Read more ...]

Aurora. Roman goddess of dawn. = Eos. [Read more ...]

Auschwitz. 1940-45. German death camp in Poland. 1-4 million killed. Final Solution. [Read more ...]

Ausgleich. 1867-1918. Split Empire into Austria and Hungary monarchies. [Read more ...]

Austen, Jane. 1775-1817. English novelist: Sense and Sensibility, 1811, Pride and Prejudice, 1813. “the exquisite touch which renders the commonplace interesting”-W. Scott. Emma 1816. [Read more ...]

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