The Pocket Guide to World History

Natural Rights. Inherent rights that cannot be taken away by a government. [Read more ...]

Naturalism. 19-20C Literary movement presenting life objectively. Zola. [Read more ...]

Naturalism. 19C Style of landscape painting which captures nature. Turner. Constable. Boudin. [Read more ...]

Naturalism. 20C Philosophy explaining all in scientific terms, rejecting supernatural. [Read more ...]

Nauru. 1798 Sighted. 1888 Germany (Marshall Is). 1914 Australia. 1920 Britain/Ausralia/New Zealand mandate. 1942 Japanese occupy. 1947 Australian trust. 1968 Independent republic. [Read more ...]

Navaho. SW US. Largest Native American tribe. Migrated c10C from Canada. Supressed by Kit Carson; 8000 incarcerated 1864-8. [Read more ...]

Navarino, Battle. 1827. Greeks/Allies naval defeat of Egypt/Turks. [Read more ...]

Navarre. Vascones. 1C BC Rome. 400-800 Independent. 711 Moslem(Part). 798 Independent Basque kingdom. 1234 French dynasties. 1512 Castile(S). 1589 France(N). [Read more ...]

Navarre College. Paris 1304. Founded by Jean de Navarre. Now École Polytechnique. [Read more ...]

Navas de Tolosa, Battle. 1212. Spanish defeat Almohads. [Read more ...]

Navigation Acts. 14-19C. Limited trade to England and colonies to British ships. [Read more ...]

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