The Pocket Guide to World History

Atropos. Fate of the inevitable, cut the string of life. [Read more ...]

Attalid. c230-135BC. Dynasty of Pergamum. [Read more ...]

Attica. Region around Athens in ancient Greece. [Read more ...]

Attila. 406-453. Leader of the Huns. 434 attacked Gaul, defeated at Catalonia in 451. “The Scourge of God”. [Read more ...]

Attlee, Clement. 1883-1967. British Labour Prime Minister. 1945-51. National Health. Nationalization. [Read more ...]

Attwood, Thomas. 1783-1856. British Chartist. [Read more ...]

Aubigné, Agrippa d’. 1552-1630. French satirical writer and poet: Tragiques. [Read more ...]

Aubusson Tapestry Works. 17 and 18C works for aristocracy and bourgeoisie. [Read more ...]

Auden, W.H. 1907-73. English/US poet/opera librettist. The Rake’s Progress 1951. [Read more ...]

Audencia. Medieval law court in Spain. [Read more ...]

Audubon, John. 1785-1851. US ornitholigist, artist. Birds of America. [Read more ...]

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