The Pocket Guide to World History

Monothelitism. 622-713. Christian heresy. Jesus had human and divine natures but only divine will. Monophysitism. [Read more ...]

Monroe, James. 1758-1831. US President 1817-25. Florida acquired 1819. Missouri Compromise. Monroe Doctrine. [Read more ...]

Monroe Doctrine. 1823. No interference by Europe in Western Hemisphere. No US interference in Europe. [Read more ...]

Mons, Battle. WWI. 1914. Germans defeat British. [Read more ...]

Montagnards. 1792-5. French revolutionary extremists led by Robespierre. Terror. Plain. [Read more ...]

Montagu-Chelmsford Report. 1919. Basis of India Act. [Read more ...]

Montaigne, Michel de. 1533-92. French sceptical humanist essayist. On Humanism 1580. [Read more ...]

Montanism. 156-9C. Montanus’ ascetic Christian movement of illuminati expecting the Millenium. [Read more ...]

Montcalm, Louis. 1712-59. French general killed defending Quebec against the English. Seven Years War. [Read more ...]

Monte di Pietà. 1463. Italian institute to lend money to poor at low interest. [Read more ...]

Montecassino. 529. Oldest Benedictine Monastery. [Read more ...]

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