The Pocket Guide to World History

Military Conversations. 1906-14. English, French military staff prepare for war with Germany. [Read more ...]

Militia Ordinance. 1642. Parliament takes over Militia. English Civil War. [Read more ...]

Mill, Henry. English. First typewriter patent 1714. [Read more ...]

Mill, John Stuart. 1806-73. English Utilitarian Positivist philosopher. Social as well as political freedom is necessary. Tyranny of the majority. Associationism. Political Economy 1848. On Liberty 1859. Utilitarianism 1863. Women’s Right to Vote 1866. [Read more ...]

Millais, John. 1829-1896. British Pre-Raphaelite painter. Christ in the House of His Parents 1850. [Read more ...]

Millay, Edna St. Vincent. 1892-1950. Cynical US poet. Harp Weaver 1923. Fatal Interview 1931. [Read more ...]

Millenary Petition. 1603. Presented by 1000 Puritan ministers to James I. Calls Hampton Court Conference. [Read more ...]

Millenialism. Belief in the Millenium, 1000 Year reign of Christ before world ends. [Read more ...]

Miller, Arthur. 1915-. US playwright. Death of a Salesman 1949. Crucible 1953. [Read more ...]

Miller, Henry. 1891-1980. US autobiographical novelist. Tropic of Cancer 1934. Tropic of Capricorn 1939. Works banned in US for sexual content until 1964. [Read more ...]

Miller, William. 1782-1849. US founder of Adventists. Predicted Christ’s 2nd Coming for 1843. [Read more ...]

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