The Pocket Guide to World History

Kerensky, Aleksandr. 1881-1970. Russian Revolutionary leader. Prime Minister 1917. Liberal Socialist Provisional government. [Read more ...]

Kerensky Offensive. 1917. Failed attack on Germans in Galicia by Kerensky Provisional government. [Read more ...]

Kern, Jerome. 1885-1945. US composer. Show Boat 1927. [Read more ...]

Kerouac, Jack. 1922-69. US Beat novelist. On the Road 1957. [Read more ...]

Kesselring, Albert. 1887-1960. German Commander-in-Chief in Italy, 1943. Delayed Allied victory. WWII. [Read more ...]

Key, Francis Scott. 1779-1843. US lawyer/poet. Star Spangled Banner 1814 based on music from English drinking song To Anacreon in Heaven. US National anthem 1931-. [Read more ...]

Keynes, John Maynard. 1883-1946. British economist. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money 1935. Demand is more a function of interest rates than of money supply. Bretton Woods. [Read more ...]

KGB. 1954-. Soviet secret police. =Cheka -1922; GPU 1922; OGPU 1923-34; NKVD 1934-46; MGB 1946-53. 1991 Split into FSB (domestic) and FIS (foreign). [Read more ...]

Khartoum, Battle. 1885. Mahdi defeat British in Sudan. [Read more ...]

Khazar. 6C-965. Turkish empire in SE Russia. [Read more ...]

Khedive. Persian title = Lord. [Read more ...]

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