The Pocket Guide to World History

Kamerlingh Onnes, Heicke. 1853-1926. Liquified helium 1908. Superconductivity 1911. [Read more ...]

Kamikaze. 1281 “Divine Wind”. Typhoon that destroyed Mongol invasion of Japan. 1944- suicide pilots. Okinawa. [Read more ...]

Kammu. 737-806. Japanese Emperor. Established Kyoto as capital -1868. Heian Period 794-1185. [Read more ...]

Kämpfer, Engelbert. 1651-1716. Travels 1690 to Japan source of valuable info. [Read more ...]

Kampuchea. (Cambodia). 3C Funan. 5C Khmer. 15C Siam/Annam. 1863 France 1953 Independent. 1975 Khmer Rouge. 1979 =Kampuchea People’s Republic. [Read more ...]

Kanagawa, Treaty. 1854. US-Japan trade agreement. Ended Japan’s isolationism 1639-. Perry. [Read more ...]

Kandinsky, Wassily. 1866-1944. Russian/French. First pure nonfigurative abstract painter. Influenced by Anthroposophy. Blaue Reiter 1903. [Read more ...]

Kandy. 15C-1818. Sinhalese kingdom in Ceylon overthrown by Britain. [Read more ...]

Kanem-Bornu. 9-19C. Chad Empire. [Read more ...]

K’ang-hsi. 1654-1722. Chinese Emperor 1661-. Expanded China. Encouraged western science education. [Read more ...]

Kano. 999-. Nigerian kingdom. [Read more ...]

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