The Pocket Guide to World History

Cobden, Richard. 1804-65. British Radical MP. Anti-Corn Law League. [Read more ...]

Cobden, Treaty. 1860. Free trade between Britain and France. [Read more ...]

Coca Cola. Invented by Pemberton 1886. [Read more ...]

Cochise. -1874. Apache warrior Indian chief. [Read more ...]

Cockayne, Land of. Legendary medieval land of gluttony and idleness. [Read more ...]

Cockcroft, John. 1897-1967. English physicist. Split nucleus. [Read more ...]

Cockerell, Christopher. 1910-99. English hovercraft inventor 1955. [Read more ...]

Cocoa. 1494 brought to Europe by Columbus. [Read more ...]

Cocteau, Jean. 1889-1963. Montparnasse poet. Provençale figurative painter. Filmmaker. [Read more ...]

Cod War. 1972-6. Britain upset at Iceland’s unilateral expansion of fishing limits to 50 miles. [Read more ...]

Code Napoleon. 1804. Napoleonic Code. [Read more ...]

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